Best Bikes for 2-3-Year-Old in 2020

The beautiful journey of parenting starts with when you first hold her/him in your arms and you certainly feel you want him to have the best life that you can provide. Then as they grow up you want to make sure they have the best things, starting from the food they are having to the best toys. It’s very common to get different types of toys for 2/3 years old kid. Some may be just for fun and some toys help their growth.

We are going to talk about bikes for 2-3 years old toddlers, which can be count as toys, yet so helpful for their growth and they will be learning a life skill that will continue as long as they wanna ride free on a bike. Research says the earlier you get a bike for a kid the easier to learn for them and they get better and better as they grow up.

It can be very confusing what kind of bike to get for a toddler who just got comfortable with running around on his/her feet. You cant get a grown-up complex bike you have to start with the basics. Keeping that in mind there are so many different types of bikes available for 2/3 years old boys and girls. In this article, we are going to discuss all types and their functionality so that you can choose the best bike for your toddler.

Comparison of the BEST BIKES FOR 2 to 3 years Old

Types of Bikes for 2 to 3 Years Old

Imagining a 2 or 3 years old kid with a complex design bike is not what we have in mind. If you have decided to get your toddler a bike at this age of course it is their first bike. So the first thing we want to make sure is they feel comfortable with the thing they are getting on and they treat it as one of their toys. But this will be the best toy which can help them learn a new skill. Here we will discuss different types of bike that are available and you can choose for your beloved.

Balance bike:

No padel , no cranks that's the simple way to describe a balance bike. The balance bike usually consists of a short handlebar and small wheels comfortable for the height of the toddler. Balance bikes are made for kids to push it around by using their feet by walking or sometimes running around the yard or the park under your supervision. No complexity, they just learn to keep the bike stable while they are on it, which is the first step to learn how to ride a bike. The main factor for this bike is the weight. You have to make sure the weight of the bike is comfortable enough to ride for your precious little one.

There are lots of different balance bikes available for kids aged around 2 or 3 .Two wheels, a handlebar and a seat that's the structure of a basic balance bike. The bike without pedal and crank , stands on the wheels and the handlebar for your kid to make it stand still as he rides it, which is the first lesson of how to ride a bike. Different types of balance bike can have more than two wheels and be more easy to balance for your kid.


Tricycles are the most cycles with three wheels so that the bike is stable without any assistance. These bikes can be balance or regular pedal bikes. Tricycles are more stable than two wheeler bikes. Having more than two wheels makes the bike stable by itself on the ground and your toddler can just enjoy the swift ride by just walking and doesn't have to put much concentration on keeping the bike stand. Pedaling and balancing at the same time can be hard for 2 or 3 years old kids. So a tricycle can make it easy with the balancing. This is the best type of bike for kids to enjoy the ride with less work. Also learn pedaling and get comfortable with the process so its easy for the next step.

Pedal bike:

Padel bikes are the regular bike to pedal around and ride it. But when it comes to a pedal bike for a toddler it's much more different from a regular kids bike. Kids age 2/3 years old dont have the maturity to ride the bike by themselves so they have to have a lot more safety function and comfort than big kids bikes.


Other than the types described, the other bikes are mostly mixed or hybrid types. Like balance bikes with pedals or bikes with stoller style so that they can be used as strollers and also kids can ride if they want to. These bikes allows more advantage when you are trying to make you kid comfortable on a bike and teach them how to ride the bike.

Size to Consider for Toddlers Bike

The first thing one should keep in mind when they are getting a bike for 2 or 3 years old boys and girls is comfort. And the comfort is ensured just when the bike is the perfect size for the kids. It's not that tricky to figure out what's the perfect size of a bike for 2/3 boys and girls. What makes it complicated is their growth . toddlers age 2 or 3 tend to have higher growth rates so you want to make sure you are getting a bike that fits them perfectly and is flexible with their growth.

Kids bikes are measured as the size of the wheel’s diameter, as wheels provide the height to the bike. Usually kids aged 2 or 3 years old are comfortable with 12’ wheel size bikes and those bikes are specially made for kids.

Not necessarily all the kids have the same height or weight and the same growth rate, yet it's easy to categorize the bike size with the age. There are two ways to measure the bike size for kids.

Measure the height: 

The easiest way, just take a tape and measure your kid's height or make him stand near the door and point where his head touches and measure that height by using a tape. We are providing a chart to get the perfect size comparing the height of the kid with the bike size.

Measuring the inside leg length: 

The other way to get the perfect size of the bike is to measure the length of the inner leg of your kids, as kids grow and their legs also follow the growth rate. So it's easy to get a bike for kids with the length of their inner leg.

The Chart of kids bikes comparing the height of kids and inner leg length :

Wheel Size

Chiild's Height


12" (30 cm)


(85-100 cm)


(35-42 cm)

14" (36 cm)


(95-110 cm)


(40-50 cm)

16" (41 cm)


(110-120 cm)


(45-55 cm)

20" (51 cm)


(120-135 cm)


(55-63 cm)

24" (61 cm)


(135-145 cm)



With the help of this chart it will be super simple to get the perfect bike for your kid.

Review of the Best Bikes for 2 and 3 Years Old Kids

Now that you know what kind of bikes are available for your 2 or 3 years old boy or girl and know what's the best size bike will be the perfect fit , let us discuss some of the best bikes out there so that you can easily choose the best bike for your loved ones without any hesitation.

1. Ultimate 4-in-1 Stroll 'N Trike


The first bike we have in our list is one of the multi-use 4 in 1 radio flyer Stroll and Trike. By the name you get a clear idea about the product. For toddlers strollers are mandatory. Carrying the kid around when you go out stoller is the compulsory choice to keep an eye on him and make sure he is in a safe place. With all that functionality Radio Flyer has added the bike functionality to kill two birds with one stone. You can carry the stoller around as your will and when it's safe the kid can practise paddling by himself. As it's a trike you don't have to worry about balancing.

The bike has safety straps to hold the kids in position and protects from any accident. It also has removable suncover and footrest with the handlebar so they can feel they are controlling the bike from the start and when they are old enough and legs are long enough to reach the padel they can start paddling and moving around as they wish. It has a flexible seat with soft padding to keep up with your kids' growth and provide comfort so they feel excited about riding and become prepared for a big kid bike soon. The bike comes in red and pink color so you can choose whichever suits your kid.

The bike has a strong steel frame, which provides safety and can handle weight upto 49lb. So the bike can accommodate a young kid and can still handle when your kid reaches age upto 5. The adjustable parent handle is another mentionable part of the bike which makes the bike more interesting. All these functionality in just one product ,no wonder this is on the top of our best bike for 2 or 3 year old boys and girls list.

Ultimate 4-in-1 Stroll 'N Trike at a glance: 

Product dimension: 35.04" x 19.88" x 40.75"

Frame: Steel

Weight: 16 pounds

weight/height capacity: 49lb

Age recommendation: 9months to 5 years

Rating: 4.6/5


  • Multi functional
  • Durable and usable for long term
  • Sun Protection, footrest for younger kid
  • Safety straps
  • Parent pouch and bottle carrier space

Why we like it:The most multi-functional trike had to be in the list of best bikes for toddlers. With the multi-use capability it's a great option and worthy of the price for you 2 or 3 years old kid. There are more different multi-use strolls and bikes are available, The beautiful design and flexibility of turning into a classic tricycle makes the Radio Flyer 4-in-1 stroll ‘N Trike the best toddler bikes out of all those.

2. Radio Flyer Scoot-About 4.7 800


The next we have in our list is also a product of radio flyer. With the remarkable red color we present the Radio Flyer Scoot-about to you. Stability and safety confirmed four wheeler bike is one of the best balance bike for your 2 or 3 years old kid who would love to ride around the house in the backyard on it.

The front wheels of the bikes are designed in wide style to ensure more stability. The back wheels are also attached securely to ensure safety of your toddler. The steel frame is very safe and durable. Another mentionable fact on the bike is the front bumper design. It's very common for kids to bump in the house furnishers ,the front bumper ensures there's no scratch on your furniture and your kid doesn't feel any disturbance during his ride. The bike is very lightweight so its very comfortable for your toddler to ride around.

The adjustable seat makes sure that your kid can use it till he is ready for a regular kids bike. So the kid can start riding it with the help of his feet as early as possible and can grow as fast as he can. The handlebar of the bike is designed in classic chrome style with tassel on both sides makes it more attractive for your kid. The handlebar also consists of a working bell on it , which will make your kid more excited for a ride.

Radio Flyer is known for their kid friendly products and has the best customers reviews so the Scoot-about is definitely one of the best balance bikes for your 2 or 3 years old kid to learn how to stand and balance on his first bike.

Radio Flyer Scoot at a glance:

Product dimension: 23.54 inches (L) x 18.98 inches (W) x 17.64 inches (H)

Weigh:t 9.5 pounds

weight/height capacity: 19 pounds

Age recommendation: 1-3 years old

Rating: 4.7/5


  • Four wheels for stability
  • Durable and safe steel frame
  • Front bumper for safe ride
  • attractive handlebar design
  • Great in both indoor and outdoor use

Why we like it: Balance bikes are the best choice to make your toddler comfortable on a bike and with different kinds of balance bikes Radio Flyer Scoot-about has to be the one of the best for its safe, comfortable, stylish and attractive design. The bike is comfortable to use inside and also outside and the lightweight quality makes sure your 2 or 3 year old can feel comfortable on the ride. This bike has all the features to become your toddlers first bike without any doubt.

3. Strider - 12 Classic Balance Bike, Ages 18 Months to 3 Years

best bikes for 2 year old

When your kid is ready for a tricycle he is ready for a balance bike. Teaching how to balance the bike and being able to control its movement is the best achievement for your kid and the major step in learning how to ride a big bike. It's okay to get a three-wheeler or four-wheeler balance bike but in our opinion, a two-wheeled balance bike is more fruitful when it comes to actual riding.

We have the Strider Classic balance bike in our list, one of the most popular balance bikes for toddlers. That's because the geometry of the bike is totally based on kids’ comfortability. The positions of the saddle, bars, and footrests made in a classic way and made sure it is a good fit for toddlers. The bike is very lightweight and your tiny favorite person in the world can balance it easily.

The bike has a solid foam tire that makes sure it’s never punctured and smooth during the ride. Using solid foams for kids’’ bikes has been very popular and effective and long-lasting as kids don't pay attention when they ride or try to balance the bike.

The bike has adjustable seats and a handlebar that allows the kids to grow with it, so they can use it until it's time to get an actual bike and ride on the road. 

The strider classic toddler balance bike is very fruitful in terms of learning how to balance the bike and cost-effective compared to any other balance bike. This most popular balance has to be in our list of best bikes for 2 or 3 years old boys and girls out there.

Strider -12 Classic Balance bike at a glance:

Product dimension: 33 x 15 x 22 inches ; 

Weight:6.61 pound

Age Recommended: 2 to 5 years old

Rating: 4.8/5


  • Classic design

  • Durable and lightweight

  • Kid-friendly geometry

  • Foam tires

  • Great brand value and customer service

Why we like it:

The as the ultimate design geometry that has proven to make the transition of moving from a balance bike to pedaling bike really easy. The floor to foot height, the lightweight and the classic design makes the Strider classic balance bike one of the best bikes for  2 or 3 years old boys and girls.

4. Schwinn Skip Toddler Balance Bike


The one we have now is the actual product that's has only one purpose, and that is to make your kid ride the bike. When you think your toddler is strong enough to handle a bike without any support and teach him the balancing, yet leaving the pedalling for letter Schwin Skip Toddler Balance Bike is the ultimate bike for your 2 or 3 years old kid.

For the other balance bike you might find three or in some cases four wheels to support the bike, those bikes are created to give the fun of riding without any other task. Now you want your kid to learn it the hard way and the best way and stand with the bike on his own feet not on extra wheels. Schwinn Skip toddler bike comes in two air filled tires providing less suspension and great balance.

The bike is designed in a kid friendly way to ensure the comfort and safety of your toddler. The low center gravity design makes sure your kid is balancing the bike keeping his body at the most comfortable and safe position. The frame of the bike is so lightweight 2 or 3 years old boys or girls can easily move it around by gliding on any surface.

The bike has an easy steer handlebar with a limiter so your toddler can control the bike easily. The limiter helps the bike not to turn too much so you kid can keep his eyes and bike straight. The padded seat and easily adjustable system makes the bike even more attractive. Even kids bikes can have different Schwinn provides lots of options to choose the bike in whichever design. There's 5 different designs available to choose from. The durability of the bike is ensured with limited warranty so you can get this bike for your kid without any hesitation.

Schwinn Skip Toddler Balance Bike at a glance:

Product dimension:34.25 x 16.00 x 20.00 Inches

Weight: 14lb

Age recommendation: 2 to 4 years old

Rating: 4.3/5


  • Lightweight Kid friendly design
  • Durable and usable for long term
  • Easy to adjust
  • Air filled tires an foam tires for less suspension
  • Easy steer handlebar

Why we like it: Schwinn bikes have always been in our best bike list for kids to adults. Schwinn Skip Toddler Balance bike also provides all those features and the warranty of being the best toddler bike. The option to choose according to your preferred design makes it one of the best bike for 2/3 years old boys and girls.

5. XJD 3 in 1 Kids Tricycles


Tricycles have always been there to help when you were kids and now for your kids there's some fancy style trikes are also available. The one we have on our list now is the XJD 3 in 1 Kids Tricycles. The kids have a friendly and balanced bike for a comfortable ride. The bike is made of carbon steel frame to ensure durability and sturdiness. The bike is capable of taking a load upto 110 pounds.

What makes this bike unique is that the bike is flexible and can be switched into whatever design you want for your kid to ride. The three wheels makes it the perfect trike your kid can ride without having the problem balancing. When your toddler is ready to learn the balancing the bike allows the folding of the rear wheel so it turns into a classic balance bike. The adjustable seat and handlebar grows with your kid. So when they are ready their feet are long enough to reach the pedals they can ride on it as big kids . The paddles are easy to use and the padded and adjustable seat is just perfect fit for your toddler.

The tires of the bike are made of EVA foam that has the no-slip and wear-resistant strong grip. So, the bike can be easily used both indoors and outdoors. Fully & widen enclosed wheels ensure baby feet safety. The large wheel of 7inches diameter in front and two 5.5inches wheels ensures the balance of the bike your kid needs.

The handlebar angle of the bike can be adjusted as needed. This bike is all that you can want for your kid. The elegant look and the flexibility makes it one of the best kids bikes for 2 or 3 years old boys and girls.

XJD 3 in 1 Kids Tricycles at a glance:

Product dimension: 19x23.5x11 inches

Rating: 6lb

weight/height capacity: 110lb

Age recommended: 1 to 3 years old

Rating: 4.5/5


  • Multi functional
  • Durable and usable for long term
  • Sun Protection, footrest for younger kid
  • Safety straps
  • Parent pouch and bottle carrier space

Why we like it:

6. Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Bicycle for Kids


Your kid is all grown up even at such young age and you don't want the balance bike , or he has spent his fare share of a balance bike now you want him/her to have an big kids bike, we understand its for his best training and his to make him more confident an actual pedal bike is very important. Yet you have to be sure for his safety so we present the Nickelodeon Paw Patrol bicycle for kids with training wheels on the back. The 12’ wheels Nickelodeon Paw Patrol bicycle is made specially to be a first bike for your kid. The training wheels provide the balance until your toddler is ready to ride without those and when it's time training wheels are removable as you want. Also the adjustable seat is very easy to adjust to kid's height.

The bike has a low standover frame style which makes it easy for kids to get on the bike and start riding. The classic steel body is sturdy and sustainable for long use.

The bike has a chainguard to make sure there's no accident or cut from the crank . The brake of the bike has the classic coaster foot brake so it's easy for kids to stop easily whenever they need to stop.

Option to choose from colors including blue,red,pink and teal ,the kid is a very good fit to your superhero or princess loving kids. Safe and adjustable Nickelodeon Paw Patrol bicycles have always been one of the best bikes for 2 or 3 years old boys and girls.

Nickelodeon Paw Patrol Bicycle for Kid at a glance: 

Product dimension: 35.0 inches (L) x 19.5 inches (W) x 26.0 inches (H)

Frame: Steel

Weight: 16lb

weight/height capacity: 80 pound

Age Recommended: 2.5 to 8 years old

Rating: 4.3/5


  • Removable training wheels
  • Low frame design
  • Lots of designs to choose from
  • Coaster brake easy to operate
  • Chainguard

Why we like it: Whenever your kid is ready to move on a pedal bike after the balance bike we want you to have the best one as his first bike. Considering all the safety and comfort features, the Nickelodeon Paw Patrol bicycle with 12’ wheels is one of the best bikes for 2 or 3 years old. The training wheel allows him to support a new rider's needs and can be removed when it's no longer needed.

7. Strider - 12 Classic Balance Bike


When your kid is ready for a tricycle he is ready for a balance bike. Teaching how to balance the bike and being able to control its movement is the best achievement for your kid and the major step in learning how to ride a big bike. Its okay to get a three wheeler or four wheeler balance bike but in our opinion a two wheeler balance bike is more fruitful when it comes to actual riding.

We have the Strider Classic balance bike in our list, one of the most popular balance bikes for toddlers. That's because the geometry of the bike is totally based on kids comfortability. The positions of the saddle, bars and footrests made in the classic way and made sure it is a good fit to toddlers. The bike is very lightweight and your tiny favourite person in the world can balance it easily.

The bike has a solid foam tire that makes sure it’s never punctured and smoothness during the ride. Using solid foams for kids bikes have been very popular and effective and long lasting as kids don't pay attention when they ride or try to balance the bike.

The bike has adjustable seats and handlebar that allows the kids to grow with it, so they can use it until it's time to get an actual bike and ride on the road.

The strider classic toddler balance bike is very fruitful in terms of learning how to balance the bike and cost-effective compared to any other balance bike. This most popular balance has to be in our list of best bikes for 2 or 3 years old boys and girls out there.

Strider - 12 Classic Balance Bike at a glance:

Product dimension: 33 x 15 x 22 inches ;

Rating: 4.8/5

Weight: 6.61 pound

Age Recommended: 2 to 5 years old


  • Classic design
  • Durable and lightweight
  • Kid friendly geometry
  • Foam tires
  • Great brand value and customer service

Why we like it: The ha sthe ultimate design geometry that has proven to make the transition of moving from a balance bike to pedalling bike really easy. The floor to foot height, the lightweight and the classic design makes the Strider classic balance bike one of the best bikes for 2 or 3 years old boys and girls.

8. Strider - 12 Sport Balance Bike


The nest one we have in our list is the Sport version of the classic Strider balance bike. We guess You have already understood the effectiveness of a balance bike over any other type bike for 2 or 3 years old. They are more helpful in order to learn how to ride a bike, as balancing the bike is the most important part. Strider produces so many high quality bikes for kids that only one of their bikes in our best bikes for 2 or 3 years old boys or girls is not enough. So now presenting another best seller among all the best balance bikes for toddlers the strider - 12 sport balance bike.

This bike also has all the features from the Strider Classic Balance bike as the kid friendly geometry. The parts of the bikes are placed in such positions that gives your kid the most comfortable and safe ride. The way it is designed, Strider - 12 Sport toddler Balance bike provides the best training on how to balance the bike.The Adjustable seat and handlebar makes it more usable for a long time. The foamy tiers to ensure a smooth ride with puncture-proof safety. All these make sure the bike is in the best quality.

The difference from the classic is the sport design , toddlers on balance bikes are a very regular thing now and parents want their kids to be interested in outdoor sports. Some clubs even organize some short races for toddlers so they can enjoy the bikes and get more motivated to bike sports. For those events your kid can represent this strider 12 sport toddler bike in the best way and comfortable in regular riding lessons as well. So this bike is one of the best toddler bikes out there.

Strider 14 sport toddler balance bike:

Strider 14 Sport Toddler balance bike is just an updated version of the sport model.

This bike is different from any other balance bike because it has the option to attach pedals into it when your kid is comfortable with balancing and finally ready to ride it by pedalling by himself. So the transaction can happen easily and your kid will be comfortable pedaling this bike as he is already familiar with the balancing part with the same bike.

Strider - 12 Sport Balance Bike at a glance:

Product dimension: 33 x 15 x 22 inches ;

Rating: 4.8

Weight: 6.7 pounds

Age recommended: 2 to 5 years old


  • Vibrant sporty design
  • Durable and lightweight
  • Kid friendly geometry
  • Foam tires
  • Pedal Conversion Kit

Why we like it: The Strider brand has been the most popular bike brand in the toddler bike field , so undoubtedly this Strider 12 sport Toddler bike had to be in our list of best kids bikes for 2 or 3 years old kids. The option to buy the pedal conversion it when your kid is ready makes this bike more efficient.

9. Retrospec Cub Kids Balance Bike


This time we present you the most stylish Toddler balance bike to you. It's the Retrospec Cub Kids Balance Bike No Pedal Bicycle. Go back and take another look at it. The elegance that the bike presents makes your kid more adorable when they ride this bike by gliding on their tiny feet.

The bike has the step through frame that allows your kid to get on the biek easily and the foot to floor design allows him to ride the bike by gliding on his feet. This design keeps your kid safe as they ride for the first time. With less distance between their feet and the ground, kids are able to better control their speed, avoid nasty falls, and minimize the chance of getting hurtAccording to most customers this is one of the safest bikes for kids of age 2 or years old. The air free tires are also there to support the smooth ride and keep you tension free as those are never going to be flat. The rear heel of the bike is slightly smaller than the front wheel providing more balance to your kid.

The Adjustable seat and handlebar allows kids to grow with the bike. Lightweight steel for the frame makes the bike easily controllable for your toddler.A Balance bike gives your kid a lot of advantage while growing up and riding a bike by themselves. So you want to get the best one for him but may not be spending much for it as after some time your toddler is going to be a big kid and will want a bigger bike. This Retrospec Cub Kids Balance bike not only provides its great service for long it has one of the best prices for balance bikes for toddler.

Retrospec Cub Kids Balance Bike at a glance:

Product dimension: 35 inches (L) x 16 inches (W) x 23 inches (H)

Frame: lightweight teel

Weight: 9lb

Age recommended: 1- 5 years old

Rating: 4.6/5


  • Foot to floor design
  • Durable and affordable price
  • 10’ rear wheel
  • Elegant design

Why we like it: Retrospec is known for their fine brand and safe rides for kids. The Retrospec Cub Kids Balance bike also represents that motto. The best safety design and affordable cost of the bike makes it one of our favourite and one of the best balance bikes for 2 or 3 years old boys and girls.

10. Radio Flyer Classic Red Dual Deck Tricycle


Tricycles are the best option to give riders confidence for riding. Radio Flyer Classic Red Dual Deck Tricycle has been providing safety and confidence to 2 to 5 years old boys and girls for a long time.

The trike has the unique classic red Radio Flyer design with dual deck on the beck so your kid can ride on it very easily. The dual deck can be used as a resting seat for him if he needs a little rest after so much hard work. The bike provides the controlled turning radius so kids don't trip off the bike when they are riding.

The 12'spoked wheel with rubber tires ensures less suspension and provides a safe and smooth ride on the road or the backyard of your house. Rubber tires are durable and sustainable for different surfaces.

The classic design of Radio Flyer Classic Red Dual Deck Tricycle completes with a chrome handlebar which a=have steamers on the sides and a ringing bell to add more fun to it. Survey proves thats kids enjoy having a bell on their bike ,it gives them more pleasure during the ride and makes them more excited for the ride.

The paddle with adjustable seat and handlebar the bike is very efficient for long use so your kid can grow with this trike as long as he wants to.

The safe and classic bike from Radio flyer is always a best choice for kids bikes , this Classic red Dual Deck Tricycle is not any different and one of the best bike for toddlers.

Radio Flyer Classic Red Dual Deck Tricycle at a glance:

Product dimension: 27.87" X 19.88" X 23.86"

Weight: 16lb

Weight/height capacity: 49lb

Frame: Steel

Rating: 4.6/5


  • Dual Deck
  • Durable and usable for long term
  • Spooked rubber tires
  • 12’ front wheel
  • Chrome bell and handerbar
  • Controlled turning radius

Why we like it: The bike has the dual deck on it so it's very easy for young kids to ride on and very safe. The rubber wheels and the controlled turning radius ensures the safe ride you want for your kid. All these makes this bike on of the best bike in our list of best kids bike for 2/3 years old boys and girls.

11. The Piki Piki Bike


At the end let me present a different kind of bike ,it's called the Piki Piki Bike. The bike looks more like a classic motorbike with three wheels to balance it and very easy to ride on. The rockstar bike for your favourite rockstar. We can all agree on the fact that kids are usually attracted to bright and fun looking things than a regular old school bike. So the Piki Piki bike gives you the option to choose a fun bike for your kid to enjoy and grow confidence in riding before going for a regular bike.

The frame of the bike is made of high impact non-toxic HDPE plastic ,so the bike is very light weight yet very sustainable. The bike is made in simple design so nothing you have to assemble before your kid can use it. The bike is in balance bike style so your kid can just glide his feet on the floor and ride it without any distraction.

The bike is made with large wheels that allows it to move smoothly over concrete, carpet and most hard surfaces. So The Piki Piki bike is safe to ride both indoors and outdoors. The street of the biek is very easy to turn so it's easy for kids to control the way they want to ride it.The bright colored Piki Piki bike has been proven to be one of the most attractable bikes towards kids. So you can’t go wrong on this bike for your toddler.

The Piki Piki Bike at a glance:

Product dimension: 30 x 13.86 x 19.5 inches

Frame: high impact non-toxic HDPE plastic

Weight: 5.5 lb

Weight/height capacity: 50lb

Age Recommended: 1 to 4 years old

Rating: 4.6/5


  • Bright and stylish frame design
  • Easy steer
  • 3 wheels to support and smooth ride
  • Lightweight

Why we like it: The Piki Piki bike is one of our wild choices because of their fun and safe ride. The most stylish bike for your rockstar. A big boy looking bike for your young kid to become more confident before he gets on a big bike , piki piki bike is one of the best kids bike for 2 or 3 years old boys and girls out there.

Reasons to Get a Bike for Your Toddler

Think back to when you took your first ride on a bike, it definitely made you feel free ,right? We are talking about the same thing for your kid. But you may think there's plenty of time for hime to learn how to ride a bike. Why at such an early age? You must already know that Bike riding is a skill that comes with a whole range of benefits. Starting from regular cycling contributes to better physical health, there are plenty of other reasons why learning to ride a bike is more important than ever as early as possible. Let’s discuss just a handful of them.

Learn A New Skill:

Learning a new skill is always rewarding. With cycling there's come the option of exploring and creating adventure. Learning how to ride a bike is simply just fun and a pure source of enjoyment. By teaching how to ride a bike you help your kid to get to know that excited and fun world that he can enjoy being free. With a bike in hand a child is free to explore the world around them, visiting new places and building friendships based on fun and adventure.

Balance control:

The first thing they learn with riding a bike is to control the bike either the balance or the speed or the movement. Which gives them the sense of responsibility and they learn to take control and responsibility of their action at such an early age. These skills are important at every stage of life so the sooner they start learning the earlier they can master the art .


We live in a time that technology is taking over our life in every aspect. nowadays kids spend most of their time on smartphones or other devices and virtual reality and have no connection to the outside world. Parents get frustrated as kids don't feel interested in going out as they should be. A simple and easy solution to that is to teach your kid how to ride a bike. It's not only a skill, it's a fun sport and activity, makes them more interested to go out rather than being home with a device. If you do not want your kid to become dependent on devices to spend their leisure time its better you teach them how to ride a bike.

Physical improvement:

The more active in physical work the better your child's health is going to be. Regular exercises are boring in some way to kids, so cycling is the rescue. Cycling is the form of non-load bearing exercise. Compared with running, cycling is a very low impact activity that protects the joints and leads to a reduced risk of muscle damage. Which is a very essential for growing children. To make your child fit and healthy cycling is obviously a great form of exercise.

Mental Health:

It is very important to have a healthy mental improvement. It is proven that cycling has a great impact on your child’s learning development. Research shows that cycling makes kids more focused in study and learning new things. Taking part in regular physical activity like cycling has links to increase happiness. And as far as you are worried about their social behaviour cycling helps by giving kids more opportunities to make social connections. For mental health and in improving your child's learning development cycling’s benefits are inevitable.

Transport to go around:

Bikes have always been an easy transportation option since it was invented. For children it's even more effective . kids like to have freedom and you want them to have it as long as you can ensure their safety. A good bike is the solution for that. Kids can go to school and any near places by riding the bike that helps in their physical activity and leaves you without any tension. So as fast as you teach them the skill the better they will be in cycling.

Family time:

It's very important to spend time with family members, it seems a little difficult because of the generation gap or maybe not having much in common with your kid. Cycling is always a good way to bond with kids and you get to spend a lot of time teaching them how to ride a bike. Maybe you all can go for a family adventure on bikes together. Starting early makes your kid have trust on you as you are teaching him one of the best skills for his life!

The Difference of Toddlers Bike with the Regular Kids Bike

You may have good knowledge in cycling but not necessarily it will be the same when you are trying to get a bike for a 2 or 3 years old boy or girl. There's a lot of difference between a bike for adults. Even regular Kids bikes are different from toddlers' bikes. A child at the age of 2/3 year old ,just learnt how to run and keep balance of his own body , so it can be very tricky to teach them how to ride a bike. That's why you need a perfect bike that fits 2/3 year olds and we are going to discuss whats makes them different


The types of regular kids bikes are very different from toddlers bikes. Toddlers bikes may have some functionalities that are not important for adults or older kids. Like the balance bikes are just for toddlers who just need to learn how to balance the bike without complexity of padeling. On the other hand you can not imagine an adult bike without a pedal. But as kids grow up they need to learn how to pedal so some of the toddlers bikes have the option to extra or remove pedals when necessary. Kids bikes need more detailed design for kids' tiny hands and legs, so the frame design has to be comfortable enough for kids to be able to ride easily.


Braking system is the most important feature of any kind of bike. Adults bike brakes are more flexible and designed to provide required advantage. But for kids the main issue is safety and to make sure it's simple enough for kids to understand and can control it when they ride under or without adult supervision. Some kids bikes also use complex bikes. When you know your kid is capable and confident enough to control that kind of brake system only then you want your kid to have those bikes. So tis very important to know about the brake system before getting the bike for your loved ones.


The bike's height is a very important factor for a bike for your kid. If the height is not matched with kids it's not gonna be comfortable for your kid. Especially if it's the first bike for your kid you want it to be the perfect height with your kids height. The balance bike requires kids to glide on the surface with their feet so if the bike is higher it will be impossible for your kid to ride and if it's too short kids can’t ride it anyway. Make sure you know the height of the bike and if it fits your kid height ratio.


The frame of the bike decides if it's comfortable for toddlers or not. The foot to floor design is very popular in the kids bike section. That allows the kid to reach the floor with their leg as the frame is short. So it is comfortable for your kid to get on the bike and get off easily.

Weight of the bike:

The weight of the bike is a major issue for bikes. For adults bike weight is a fact to get a speedy ride or make other adjustments, for kids the bike's weight is important as it's hard for kids to balance the bike if its weight is way out of kids capacity. You want the weight of the bike to be in a range that it can be handled by your kid.


The seat gives comfort to the rider as they ride. So it's important to have a comfortable seat in order to be comfortable but mostly it's important that the seat of a kids bike is adjustable. Kids tend to grow faster , so a bike that's a good fit now may not be the same after a year, even some months. Adjustable seats allow the bike to be usable for more years till you and your kid is ready to get a new bike.


There are a lot of designs available for handlebars of bikes. When it comes to kids, a bike handlebar is the most important support system for your kid. Handlebar allows the kid to move the bike in different directions which is important for first time learners to get a control of handlebar. Also the height of the handle bar has to be fit to kids' tiny arms. Adjustable handlebars are always appreciated for kids to make the training and riding experience better.


Another important part of kids' bikes is the pedals. We are talking about bikes for boys and girls 2 or 3 years olds boys and girls, so we have lots of balance bikes which don't need pedals as their functionality is to teach kids how to balance the bike first. Yet they have to learn pedalling anyway ,maybe with tricycles pedaling is the first thing you teach your kid. So decide will your be comfortable with pedalling or it's better to get a no pedal bike first. Some kids' bikes even provide extra attachable pedales.

Toy or Bike for Toddlers?

How fast kids grow up!! You only realise that when they reach their 2nd or 3rd birthday and they can run around the backyard and feel more free in open space. So now you decide what to get them a toy or a bike.we know out of all things kids enjoy toys the most. So you can always get into their favourite person list by getting them fun toys. Sometimes you can get them some learning toys as well . But we would say none of those can be compared to a bike. We have already discussed why it is important for kids to learn to ride a bike and why it is important to start teaching them as early as 2 or 3 year.

A bike is not only a thing to play for some time, it's a life skill that a person can never forget. The joy of freedom a kid can feel when they learn how to ride the bike, is not comparable to anything. So getting a bike as a gift for your kid is the best gift you can give your kid. Also kids always want to spend time with the people they love most , teaching how to ride a bike gives you the chance to spend more time and the bonding you can create during that time is unforgettable. Think back! Isn't learning how to ride a bike ,one of your best memories? So why not pass that same pleasure to your young one?

Additional Things to Consider When Getting Bike for a 2/3 Years Old Boy or Girl

We have already discussed the main parts of kids' bikes as we compared bikes for toddlers with adult bikes. There's still a lot of parts that can be added into kids bikes to make the bikemore safe and comfortable for kids. Let's see some of theos parts in the next discussion.

Wheels and Tires:

The bikes stand on its wheels and keep the connection with tires. It's very important to have the balancing wheels and make sure the tires materials are good on different kinds of surfaces. Toddlers bikes should have the flexibility of using the bike both indoors and outdoors. The tires decide on what surface they can survive and make a smooth ride. Foam tires are very popular in kids bikes as they dont have the tension of being flat and durable for a long time. Rubber tires also provide great service .

Radius control Handlebar:

Handlebars are an important part for kids' bikes. What's extra functionality a handlebar can provide is the radius of the movement of the handlebar. Kids are always excited with new things and they love to play with whatever they can get access to. So when they have a bike it's very predictable that they will move it randomly. Radius control handlebars prevents the movement of the handlebar to a fixed radius so it won't be risky for your kid to ride. Having an Radius control Handlebar can make your toddlers bike safer.


We are talking about bikes for kids aged 2 or 3 years old. So you don't expect them to ride the bike for a long time. Kids may love to spend all their energy into riding the bike for now but after some time they can lose interest or become tired from all the riding. Footrest allows the kids to rest their foot on the bike and maybe you can assist in the ride for a short time. So having a footrest can be very beneficial ona bikes for 2/3 years old boys and girls.


Kids age 2/3 years old have such small bikes they can ride it in both indoor and outdoor. When they ride it indoors , it's very common to hit on furniture and walls which can leave some damage using or bump on the furniture. It is avoidable if the bike has a bumper on some parts of its frame that are most likely to leave marks. They also make sure your kid feel less suspense when he bumps .


What's better is to make the bike more attractive by adding some fun accessories. May be a sticker of a favourite superhero or some space and fun stickers. A ringing bell on the handle bar and some streamers on the side can totally change the appearance of the bike . Kids feel more excited for the ride if there's fun things attached to the bike

Best Balance Bike for 2 and 3 Years Old Boys/Girls

In our list we have discussed a lot of balance bikes and their benefits, out of all those bikes Strider Sport Balance Bike is our favourite. The bike has a beautiful and vibrant sporty design that makes it attractive. This bike is popular in a lot of kids bike fun races for toddlers and looks good when your rockstar rides on it. There are a lot of options to choose from Strider Sport Balance Bike , with your requirements the bike provides the option to buy additional footrest and additional pedals to attach to the bike. That makes the bike different and more functional. Strider has always been one of the best bike brands when it comes to kids bikes. Strong and sturdy build of the bike makes it durable for a long time. The durability and ability of attaching additional parts makes it our favorite and the best balance bike for 2 and 3 years old boys/girls.

Best Tricycle Bike for 2 and 3 Year Old 

Tricycles are always a good choice to get a kid as their first bike, so they don't have to worry about balancing the bike and can focus on pedalling and enjoy the ride. There's a lot of options for tricycles for kids aged 2/3 years old and we discussed a lot of them in this article. Yet if i have to choose the best one i will go with The Radio Flyer Classic Red Dual Deck Tricycle . Radio Flyer has provided us with a lot of kids necessary products including this classic red tricycle. The tricycle has the dual deck on the back so it's easy for kids to get on and off pretty easily and a sweet spot to sit and take a break from all the hard work. Another best thing about the bike is that the bike has a radius control handlebar so kids can ride the bike safely and can learn to control the direction efficiently.

Safety Measures for Kids Bike Riding

All you want for your kids it's to be safe when he rides the bike for the first time or has been riding it for some time. To make sure the ride is safe you can take some steps. Some of those are briefly discussed down.


The most important thing is a helmet. You can never be too safe. A helmet can protect his head if he falls down or just has a small bump on the road even inside the house. The helmet makes the kid feel more serious about the ride so its always a good decision to have a helmet on your kids head.

Teach about rules:

When the kid is old enough to understand the rules of riding a bike , teach him. Like riding on foot walks, and try to teach him not to ride by himself if no adult is near. Following the rules can make the risk of getting into risk lower.

Bright color:

Riding the bike with a bright color is safer as it's visible from a distance and bright color dress also has the same effect. Reflectors on riders' clothes and bikes will help it be seen easily.

Keep an eye

Whatever the safety rules you fix for your kid ,there's a high chance they will break it. So always keep an eye on your kid when they ride both indoors and outdoors. It is needless to say that they need your full attention on the first days of learning but it's also important to keep an eye on them even when they learnt how to ride the bike. Remember you can never be too safe.


Do you remember your first bike and your first ride? It's one of the best memories from childhood right . Now it's time for your kid to experience the same feeling and your job is to make sure they are getting the best training with the best bike . We did our best to provide you all the information you will be needing to get the best bike for your 2 or 3 years old boy or girl. Hope you find the best one for your beloved and whenever you need more information about kids bikes feel free to visit our site anytime. We Wish the safest and most fun ride for you and your loved ones.

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Sarah Tice

Hi! I'm Sarah, full-time mom to two beautiful kids. Ever since I was expecting for the first time, I've read every book on parenting and researched every baby stuff out there. Today, I'm a full-time blogger, here to review all kinds of baby products to help you get there. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions for me to improve the blog.

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